Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
September 21st 2024 - 16th swap meet in Halstenbek-Krupunder
Photo Manufacturer No. Name Type Nation Era Year rep. Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM LI1 Set "Lissa - Italian Ironclads 1": Re d'italia,  Principe di Carignano, Castelfidardo, Ancona, Palestro, Formidabile Coast Defence Ship IT before 1900 1866 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM LI2 Set "Lissa - Italian Ironclads 2": Re di Portogallo, Affondatore, San Martino, Regina Maria Pia, Varese, Terribile Coast Defence Ship IT before 1900 1866 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM LI3 Set "Lissa - Italian Frigates": Principe Umberto; Gaeta; Carlo Alberto; Vittorio Emanuele; Garibaldi; Duca di Genova; Maria Nadelaide IT before 1900 1866 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM LI4 Set "Lissa - Italian Avisos": Esploratore; Ettore Fieramosca; San Giovanni; Governolo; Guiscardo; Messagiere Aviso IT before 1900 1866 Details

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