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08.06.2024 - Internationales Sammlertreffen in KASSEL!! << || >> Impressionen aus 2019
Foto Hersteller Nr. Name Typ Nation Ära Zustand Details
Coastlines CL CAS04 Zeppelin L11, Classic Airships P-Klasse model painted by Coastlines in camouflage Luftschiff D 1. WK 1915 Details
Coastlines CL D03 Prinz Eugen in dock under netting - Brest 1941, fully painted Diorama D 2. WK 1941 Details
Coastlines CL D06 PD-50, Russian Navy floating dry-dock - Built Sweden 1980s onwards Hafenteil SU Nachkriegszeit 1980 Details
Coastlines CL D07 PD-81 Russian Navy medium floating dry-dock / Schwimmdock mit Kränen Hafenteil SU Nachkriegszeit 1979 Details
Coastlines CL F02a Brading - British Rail, corporate blue (1965) Fährschiff GB Nachkriegszeit 1965 Details
Coastlines CL F03 Passenger Ferry - 1950s inter island ferry Fährschiff GB Nachkriegszeit 1950 Details
Coastlines CL FT01 Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Georgia USA - using Brigade Models brick fortress, 1869 Diorama USA vor 1900 1869 Details
Coastlines CL FT01A Fort Pulaski, National Monument, C21st with mature trees and preserved guns Diorama USA ? Details
Coastlines CL FV05 Deep Sea Trawler - 1950-60s "Sidewinder" Fischereifahrzeug ? Details
Coastlines CL FV06 Peterhead Fishing Vessel - 1980s on Fischereifahrzeug Nachkriegszeit 1980 Details
Coastlines CL HE01 Trinity House Helicopter, Bolkow 105, G-BATC - for helipad lighthouses Zubehör GB ? Details
Coastlines CL HM-A04 Grossfriedrichsburg - Ghana, West Africa, with landscape & trees (1682 on) (kurbrandenb. Fort im heutigen Ghana) Diorama GHA Neuzeit 1682 Details
Coastlines CL L01a Needles - unmanned lighthouse (C21st) with helipad (unbemannter Leuchtturm, 21 Jh.) Leuchtturm GB ? Details
Coastlines CL L04 Hartland Point Lighthouse (1930-1980) - Len Jordan kit, painted Leuchtturm GB 2. WK 1930 Details
Coastlines CL L04a Hartland Point Diorama (1930-1980) - CL-L04 + cliffs (Leuchtturm auf großer Klippe mit Ufer) Diorama GB 2. WK 1930 Details
Coastlines CL L05 Perch Rock Lighthouse, New Brighton (1830 on) Leuchtturm GB vor 1900 1830 Details
Coastlines CL L06 Bishop Rock, Scilly Isles (1887-1992) (manned) Leuchtturm GB vor 1900 1887 Details
Coastlines CL L06a Bishop Rock, Scilly Isles (1992 on) - with helipad Leuchtturm GB Nachkriegszeit 1992 Details
Coastlines CL L10 Point of Ayr, Talacre, North Wales (1820 on) Leuchtturm GB vor 1900 1820 Details
Coastlines CL L18 Nassau Harbour Light, Paradise Island, Bahamas - diorama (C20th-C21st) Diorama BHS ? Details
Coastlines CL L20a Skerryvore - lighthouse and reef with helipad & boiling seas (1970s onwards) Leuchtturm GB ? Details
Coastlines CL L22a Wolf Rock Lighthouse with helipad, painted as in 2015 Leuchtturm GB Nachkriegszeit 2015 Details
Coastlines CL LA05a Atlantic Wall 17cm gun emplacements - in high dunes (based on Ijmuiden, 1945) Diorama NL ? Details
Coastlines CL LB03 Liverpool-Klasse (1937 on) - many crews preferred these to the SR type! Zubehör GB ? Details
Coastlines CL MS01 Ton-Klasse Minesweeper, 1952 onwards, overall grey Minensucher GB Nachkriegszeit 1952 Details
Coastlines CL PY01 Private Motor Yacht - for the rich and famous in the 1950s &60s Jacht Nachkriegszeit 1950 Details
Coastlines CL SA01 Derfflinger, 1939-46 - moored in Scapa Flow after re-floating (1/1200) (nach Bergung, Zustand 1939-1946) (kieloben liegender Schiffsrumpf mit Luftkanälen und Pumpenhäuschen) Schlachtkreuzer D Nachkriegszeit 1946 Details
Coastlines CL SA09 USS Oklahoma, 1942 - capsized after Pearl Harbor attack (bei Pearl Harbor gekentertes Schlachtschiff, "Zustand" 1942) Schlachtschiff USA 2. WK 1942 Details
Coastlines CL SA12 Tirpitz, 1944-46 - capsized off Tromsø after a tall boy attack Schlachtschiff D 2. WK 1944 Details
Coastlines CL SS10 M2 (seaplane carrier submarine, 1923-27) U-Boot GB 2. WK 1927 Details
Coastlines CL TG01 Neptune - steam tug, Red Funnel Line, Southampton, 1930s-60s Schlepper (zivil) GB 2. WK 1930 Details
Coastlines CL TG01a Neptune - steam tug in 1912, as built, led Titanic to berth in Southampton Schlepper (zivil) GB 1. WK 1912 Details
Coastlines CL TG01c Neptune - steam tug in drab colours, D-day 1944 Schlepper (zivil) GB 2. WK 1944 Details
Coastlines CL TG04 Far Solitaire - STX OSV "Ship of the Year - 2012" Offshore Schiff N Nachkriegszeit 2012 Details

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