Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
08.06.2024 - Internationales Sammlertreffen in KASSEL!! << || >> Impressionen aus 2019
Foto Hersteller Nr. Name Typ Nation Ära Zustand Details
Coastlines CL L06 Bishop Rock, Scilly Isles (1887-1992) (manned) Leuchtturm GB vor 1900 1887 Details
Coastlines CL L14a Rockall - the rock in the North Atlantic before the lighthouse was added in 1972 Leuchtturm GB Nachkriegszeit 1971 Details
Coastlines CL L20a Skerryvore - lighthouse and reef with helipad & boiling seas (1970s onwards) Leuchtturm GB ? Details
Coastlines CL LB03 Liverpool-Klasse (1937 on) - many crews preferred these to the SR type! Zubehör GB ? Details
Coastlines CL LB04 Watson 47ft-Klasse (1955-70s) - many were later re-fitted to self-righting Zubehör GB ? Details
Coastlines CL SA15 Friedrich der Grosse, 28.4.1937 - emerging from the depths Schlachtschiff D 2. WK 1937 Details
Coastlines CL SA15r Friedrich der Grosse, 28.4.1937 - rigged with stays, ladders & walkways Schlachtschiff D 2. WK 1937 Details
Coastlines CL SS10 M2 (seaplane carrier submarine, 1923-27) U-Boot GB 2. WK 1927 Details

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