Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
08.06.2024 - Internationales Sammlertreffen in KASSEL!! << || >> Impressionen aus 2019
Foto Hersteller Nr. Name Typ Nation Ära Zustand Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CBT Bayou Teche 1862: ( J A Cotton, Ab Seagar, Hart, + Cane Barge) CON vor 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CHF Com Hollins Flotilla Island #10: ( Mcrae, Livingston, Pontchartrain, Maurepas, Polk, Jackson, IVy, floating battery New Orleans) CON vor 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen1 Ante Bellum Buildings 1: (18 town buildings, Bank, Hotel, Tavern, Warehouse, Church, Watermill, Farm, Machineshop, etc.) Hafenteil vor 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen7 St. Philip Flank Earthwork: (Earthwork with 16 guns. Two of these earthworks flanked fort St Philip.) Diorama CON vor 1900 1862 Details

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