Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
September 21st 2024 - 16th swap meet in Halstenbek-Krupunder

  • Coastlines CL AS03 - R33 sister to R34, as re-fitted to moor from the Cardington airship mast

  • Coastlines CL BY03 - Mooring Buoys (cans - set of 6)

  • Coastlines CL BY03a - Mooring Buoys (cylinders - set of 6)

  • Coastlines CL MY01 - Marina yachts - 5 anchored/moored assorted yachts with sails furled

  • Coastlines CL SA01 - Derfflinger, 1939-46 - moored in Scapa Flow after re-floating (1/1200) (nach Bergung, Zustand 1939-1946) (kieloben liegender Schiffsrumpf mit Luftkanälen und Pumpenhäuschen)