Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
June 8th 2024 International Collectors' Meeting in KASSEL, Germany << || >> Impressions from 2019

  • Coastlines CL BY02 - Channel Buoys (set of 6; 3 red, 3 green)

  • Coastlines CL BY02a - Channel Buoys (for USA; set of 6, 3 red, 3 green)

  • Coastlines CL BY03 - Mooring Buoys (cans - set of 6)

  • Coastlines CL BY03a - Mooring Buoys (cylinders - set of 6)

  • Coastlines CL F01a - Southsea - British Railways IOW ferry, (1950-65)

  • Coastlines CL F02a - Brading - British Rail, corporate blue (1965)

  • Coastlines CL FT01 - Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Georgia USA - using Brigade Models brick fortress, 1869

  • Coastlines CL FV04 - Steam Trawler - ubiquitous 1910-1960s boat

  • Coastlines CL H01 - IX-22, Ammunition Hulk (ex-BB3, USS Oregon) - Guam, 1944-56

  • Coastlines CL HM-A04 - Grossfriedrichsburg - Ghana, West Africa, with landscape & trees (1682 on) (kurbrandenb. Fort im heutigen Ghana)

  • Coastlines CL L07 - Minots Ledge Lighthouse, Cohasset, MA (1860 on)

  • Coastlines CL L16 - Haulbowline, Carlingford Lough, N. Ireland (1946on)

  • Coastlines CL PY01 - Private Motor Yacht - for the rich and famous in the 1950s &60s

  • Coastlines CL SA01 - Derfflinger, 1939-46 - moored in Scapa Flow after re-floating (1/1200) (nach Bergung, Zustand 1939-1946) (kieloben liegender Schiffsrumpf mit Luftkanälen und Pumpenhäuschen)

  • Coastlines CL TG01 - Neptune - steam tug, Red Funnel Line, Southampton, 1930s-60s

  • Coastlines CL TG02a - Steam Salvage Tug - 1945-1960s, white upper-works, one mast