Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
September 21st 2024 - 16th swap meet in Halstenbek-Krupunder

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM STA - Sink the Albemarle: ( Commodore Hull, Miami, Southfield, Albemarle, Cotton Planter, Bombshell.)

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen1 - Ante Bellum Buildings 1: (18 town buildings, Bank, Hotel, Tavern, Warehouse, Church, Watermill, Farm, Machineshop, etc.)

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen2 - Ante Bellum Buildings 2: (8 Rural and Town houses)

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen3 - Ante Bellum Buildings 3: (4 large buildings, Spired Church, Plantation House, Meeting Hall, Town Hall.)

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CRRG - Red River Gunboats: ( Webb, Grand Era, Dr Beatty, Queen of the West, Grand Duke, Mary T, Indianola. )

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen9 - Chain Barrier Hulks x 16: (16 mastless schooner hulks)

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM HRF - Haitian Civil War Rebels fleet (Mont Organise, Republique, Clara Helena, Sylvain, Liberte, L' Arbonite)

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM HSF - Haitian Civil War Salvanaves Republican fleet (Salnave, Algonquin, Le Terror, Alexandre Petion, Port au Prince)

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM IBCF - Ironclad Brakeout Cape Fear (Raliegh, Equator & Yadkin, Brittannia, Niphon, Nansomond, Howquah, Kansas, Mount Vernon)

  • Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM RTBC - Raising the Blockade Charleston (CSS Palmetto State, Chicora, USS Quaker, Flag, Augusta, Keystone State, Mercendita & Memphis)