Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
September 21st 2024 - 16th swap meet in Halstenbek-Krupunder
Photo Manufacturer No. Name Type Nation Era Year rep. Details
Wiking WM 21D Gneisenau Battleship D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 23D Deutschland Armoured Vessel D 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 24D Admiral Graf Spee Armoured Vessel D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 24D Admiral Scheer Heavy Cruiser D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 25D Admiral Hipper Heavy Cruiser D 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 31D Leberecht Maas Z1 Destroyer D 2nd WW 1937 Details
Wiking WM 32D Karl Galster Destroyer D 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 33D Narvik Destroyer D 2nd WW 1942 Details
Wiking WM 35D Raubtier-Klasse Torpedoboat D 2nd WW 1928 Details
Wiking WM 35D Raubvogel-Klasse Torpedoboat D 2nd WW 1928 Details
Wiking WM 40D Typ IA/IX 750 t Submarine D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 44D Minenräumboot klein Minesweeper D 2nd WW 1932 Details
Wiking WM 45D Minenräumboot groß Minesweeper D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 47D ohne Namen Motor Torpedo Boat D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 48D ohne Namen Motor Torpedo Boat D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 52aD Gorch Fock (I) (3-Mast-Bark) (Plastik) Barque D 2nd WW 1933 Details
Wiking WM 52D Gorch Fock (I) (3-Mast-Bark) Barque D 2nd WW 1933 Details
Wiking WM 53D Horst Wessel (3-Mast-Bark) Barque D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 56D Drache Training Ship D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 57D Donau Depot-, Repair ship, Tender D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 57D Donau Depot-, Repair ship, Tender D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 59D Saar Depot-, Repair ship, Tender D 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 60D E. Wassner Depot-, Repair ship, Tender D 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 65D Tsingtau Depot-, Repair ship, Tender D 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 66D Tanga Depot-, Repair ship, Tender D 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 70D Lauting Supply Ship D 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 73D Hela Depot-, Repair ship, Tender D 2nd WW 1940 Details
Wiking WM 74D Paul Beneke Depot-, Repair ship, Tender D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 84D Krischan Seaplane tender D 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 89D Tanker Oiler D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 90D Lazarettschiff Hospitalship D 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 101D Cap Arcona Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1927 Details
Wiking WM 103D Europa Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 104D Deutschland Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1923 Details
Wiking WM 105D Hamburg (II) Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 106D Milwaukee Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1929 Details
Wiking WM 107D Pretoria Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 108D General von Steuben Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1931 Details
Wiking WM 108D Stuttgart Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 109D Monte-Klasse Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1931 Details
Wiking WM 110aD Sierra Ventana Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1923 Details
Wiking WM 111aD Oceana Hospitalship D 2nd WW 1940 Details
Wiking WM 111D Madrid Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 113D Scharnhorst Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 114aD Patria Transport (Personnel) D 2nd WW 1940 Details
Wiking WM 114D Patria Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 115D Caribia Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1933 Details
Wiking WM 116D Tannenberg Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 117D Helgoland III Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1920 Details
Wiking WM 119D Cobra Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1926 Details
Wiking WM 121D Helgoland II Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1920 Details
Wiking WM 125D großer Passagierdampfer Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 132D Europa Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1966 Details
Wiking WM 142D Wuppertal Freighter D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 144D Kamerun/Togo Freighter D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 145D großer Frachtdampfer Freighter D 2nd WW 1920 Details
Wiking WM 146D Tramp-Dampfer Freighter D 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 147D kleiner Frachter Coaster D 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 151D Gran Canaria Freighter D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 152D Bananendampfer (Weichsel) Reefer D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 153D Kabelleger Cable Layer D 2nd WW 1922 Details
Wiking WM 154D Kl. Frachter Freighter D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 172D Franz Klasen Tanker D 2nd WW 1932 Details
Wiking WM 173D kleiner Tanker Tanker D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 174D kleiner Tanker Tanker D 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 181D 3 Mast Bark Barque D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 182D 3-Mast-Schoner Schooner D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 183D 2-Mast-Schoner Schooner D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 191D Fischkutter ohne Namen Fishing Vessel D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 192D Heringslogger ohne Namen Fishing Vessel D 2nd WW 1932 Details
Wiking WM 194D Fischdampfer ohne Namen Fishing Vessel D 2nd WW 1928 Details
Wiking WM 195D Grosser Fischdampfer Fishing Vessel D 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 197D Segellogger ohne Namen Fishing Vessel D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 198D Jan Wellem Whaling Factory D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 200D Fangboot klein Whaler D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 201D Blauwal Harbor Part D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 207D Ostmark Seaplane tender D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 213D Großer Hafenschlepper Adana Tugboat (merchant) D 2nd WW 1920 Details
Wiking WM 217D Kl. Lastkahn Barge D 2nd WW 1928 Details
Wiking WM 218D Gr. Lastkahn Barge D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 219D Motor-Lastkahn Barge D 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 220D 1000t Lastkahn Barge D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 221D Hafendampfer Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 222D Hafenfähre Passenger Ship D 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 232D Zollfahrzeug Revenue Police Vessel D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 233D Polizeifahrzeug Revenue Police Vessel D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 234D Polizeifahrzeug klein Revenue Police Vessel D 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 237D Feuerlöschdampfer Firefighting Boat D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 239D Wotan Eimerbagger Dredger D 2nd WW 1925 Details
Wiking WM 251D Gr. Hafenbarkasse Harbor Part D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 252D mittlere Hafenbarkasse Harbor Part D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 253D kl. Hafenbarkasse Harbor Part D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 254D Hafenbarkasse Harbor Part D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 255D Hafenbarkasse Harbor Part D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 260D Regattasegler Sailing Ship D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 302DK Dragen Torpedoboat DK 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 307DK Holger Danske Icebreaker DK 2nd WW 1942 Details
Wiking WM 311SF Väinämöinen/Ilmarinen Coast Defence Ship SF 2nd WW 1922 Details
Wiking WM 325F Bearn Aircraft Carrier F 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 327F Algerie Heavy Cruiser F 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 328F Primauguet Light Cruiser F 2nd WW 1926 Details
Wiking WM 329F La Galissonniere Light Cruiser F 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 331F Guèpard Destroyer F 2nd WW 1931 Details
Wiking WM 332F Le Fantasque Destroyer F 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 333F Mogador/Volta Destroyer F 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 335F La Pomone Destroyer F 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 338F Requin-Klasse Submarine F 2nd WW 1927 Details
Wiking WM 339F Elan Minesweeper F 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 352GB Warspite Battleship GB 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 353GB Royal Oak / Royal Sovereign Battleship GB 2nd WW 1916 Details
Wiking WM 360GB Eagle Aircraft Carrier GB 2nd WW 1924 Details
Wiking WM 362GB Courageous Aircraft Carrier GB 2nd WW 1928 Details
Wiking WM 363GB Ark Royal Aircraft Carrier GB 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 365GB Cumberland Heavy Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1928 Details
Wiking WM 368GB Coventry-Klasse Light Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1918 Details
Wiking WM 369GB Cairo Light Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1919 Details
Wiking WM 370GB Despatch Light Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1922 Details
Wiking WM 371GB Emerald Light Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1926 Details
Wiking WM 372GB Effingham Heavy Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1925 Details
Wiking WM 373GB Leander Light Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1933 Details
Wiking WM 375GB Southampton Light Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1937 Details
Wiking WM 376GB Belfast Light Cruiser GB 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 379GB Adventure Minelayer GB 2nd WW 1927 Details
Wiking WM 383GB E+F-Klasse Destroyer GB 2nd WW 1935 Details
Wiking WM 384GB H-Klasse Destroyer GB 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 385GB Javelin Destroyer GB 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 386GB Tribal-Klasse Destroyer GB 2nd WW 1937 Details
Wiking WM 388GB Atherston Destroyer GB 2nd WW 1940 Details
Wiking WM 389GB Hunt II-Klasse Escort GB 2nd WW 1941 Details
Wiking WM 395GB ohne Namen Corvette GB 2nd WW 1940 Details
Wiking WM 396GB Abelia Corvette GB 2nd WW 1940 Details
Wiking WM 400GB Altes U-Boot Submarine GB 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 402GB Thames Submarine GB 2nd WW 1932 Details
Wiking WM 404GB Seal Submarine GB 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 406GB Manxman Minelayer GB 2nd WW 1941 Details
Wiking WM 407GB Halcyon Minesweeper GB 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 413GB Queen Mary Passenger Ship GB 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 414GB Queen Elizabeth Passenger Ship GB 2nd WW 1940 Details
Wiking WM 418GB War Emergency Freighter GB 2nd WW 1942 Details
Wiking WM 421I Conte di Cavour Battleship IT 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 422I Littorio / Italia Battleship IT 2nd WW 1940 Details
Wiking WM 424I Zara Heavy Cruiser IT 2nd WW 1931 Details
Wiking WM 425I Eugenio di Savoia Light Cruiser IT 2nd WW 1936 Details
Wiking WM 426I Garibaldi Light Cruiser IT 2nd WW 1937 Details
Wiking WM 427I A. Da Mosto Destroyer IT 2nd WW 1931 Details
Wiking WM 428I Folgore-Klasse Destroyer IT 2nd WW 1932 Details
Wiking WM 429I Alpino Destroyer IT 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 430I Generali Torpedoboat IT 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 431I Castore Destroyer IT 2nd WW 1930 Details
Wiking WM 441J Furutaka Heavy Cruiser J 2nd WW 1926 Details
Wiking WM 455NL Nieuw Amsterdam Passenger Ship NL 2nd WW 1938 Details
Wiking WM 457NL Oranje Passenger Ship NL 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 461N Tryggvason Minelayer N 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 471PL Grom/Grosa Destroyer POL 2nd WW 1937 Details
Wiking WM 476S Gustav V / Sverige-Klasse Coast Defence Ship S 2nd WW 1922 Details
Wiking WM 478S Gotland Light Cruiser S 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 491SU Marat-Klasse Battleship SU 2nd WW 1931 Details
Wiking WM 501SU Stalin Passenger Ship SU 2nd WW 1939 Details
Wiking WM 512US California Battleship USA 2nd WW 1921 Details
Wiking WM 513US Colorado Battleship USA 2nd WW 1923 Details
Wiking WM 514US North Carolina Battleship USA 2nd WW 1941 Details
Wiking WM 515US Iowa Battleship USA 2nd WW 1943 Details
Wiking WM 520US Augusta Heavy Cruiser USA 2nd WW 1931 Details
Wiking WM 521US Minneapolis Heavy Cruiser USA 2nd WW 1934 Details
Wiking WM 522US Baltimore Heavy Cruiser USA 2nd WW 1943 Details
Wiking WM 524US Omaha Light Cruiser USA 2nd WW 1923 Details
Wiking WM 526US Atlanta Light Cruiser USA 2nd WW 1942 Details
Wiking WM 529US Fletcher-Klasse Destroyer USA 2nd WW 1943 Details
Wiking WM 543US Guardian Freighter USA 2nd WW 1944 Details
Wiking WM 616D Amrumbank Light Vessel D 2nd WW Details
Wiking WM 616D ohne Namen Light Vessel D 2nd WW Details

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