Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
June 8th 2024 International Collectors' Meeting in KASSEL, Germany << || >> Impressions from 2019
  • Coastlines CL D06 - PD-50, Russian Navy floating dry-dock - Built Sweden 1980s onwards

  • Coastlines CL FT01 - Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Georgia USA - using Brigade Models brick fortress, 1869

  • Coastlines CL FV06 - Peterhead Fishing Vessel - 1980s on

  • Coastlines CL HM-A04 - Grossfriedrichsburg - Ghana, West Africa, with landscape & trees (1682 on) (kurbrandenb. Fort im heutigen Ghana)

  • Coastlines CL L04 - Hartland Point Lighthouse (1930-1980) - Len Jordan kit, painted
  • Coastlines CL L04a - Hartland Point Diorama (1930-1980) - CL-L04 + cliffs (Leuchtturm auf großer Klippe mit Ufer)

  • Coastlines CL L05 - Perch Rock Lighthouse, New Brighton (1830 on)

  • Coastlines CL L06 - Bishop Rock, Scilly Isles (1887-1992) (manned)

  • Coastlines CL L07 - Minots Ledge Lighthouse, Cohasset, MA (1860 on)
  • Coastlines CL L10 - Point of Ayr, Talacre, North Wales (1820 on)

  • Coastlines CL SA06 - Szent Istvan, 1918 - capsized and sinking (kieloben und sinkend, grünl.-schmutziger Schiffsrumpf mit "schäumendem Wasser" an den Flanken)
  • Coastlines CL SA14 - Amoco Cadiz, 1978 - bow & stern sections of wreck

  • Coastlines CL SA15 - Friedrich der Grosse, 28.4.1937 - emerging from the depths

  • Coastlines CL SA15r - Friedrich der Grosse, 28.4.1937 - rigged with stays, ladders & walkways

  • Coastlines CL UWH07 - Underwater Hull for Scharnhorst & Gneisenau (1938-43)

  • Coastlines CL 0001 - Radio aerials for British aircraft carrier models, unpainted resin castings, pack of 8