Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
September 21st 2024 - 16th swap meet in Halstenbek-Krupunder

  • Coastlines CL AS01 - US Navy non-rigid L-Klasse Airship ("Blimp")

  • Coastlines CL AS02 - R34 RAF airship (on record-breaking transatlantic flight)

  • Coastlines CL BB01 - Kite Balloon x2 (GB, F & IT 1915-45 & D 1940-44)

  • Coastlines CL BB05 - Kite Balloon/US Navy Tethered Balloon - used before 1915 & for airship crew training

  • Coastlines CL BS01a - N3 (in Home Fleet dark grey with painted decks)

  • Coastlines CL CAS04 - Zeppelin L11, Classic Airships P-Klasse model painted by Coastlines in camouflage

  • Coastlines CL D01 - Graving Dock No.9, Laninon, Brest - painted model of dock in water

  • Coastlines CL D02 - Gneisenau in dock under netting - Brest 1941, fully painted

  • Coastlines CL D02a - Scharnhorst in dock under netting - Brest 1941, fully painted

  • Coastlines CL D03 - Prinz Eugen in dock under netting - Brest 1941, fully painted

  • Coastlines CL D04a - Floating Drydock (400ft) - trimmed down (walls only)

  • Coastlines CL D05 - Cox's Salvage Docks A & B - used to salvage the ships scuttled in Scapa Flow
  • Coastlines CL D06 - PD-50, Russian Navy floating dry-dock - Built Sweden 1980s onwards

  • Coastlines CL D06a - PD-50 dry-dock trimmed down to receive a waterline ship model
  • Coastlines CL D07 - PD-81 Russian Navy medium floating dry-dock / Schwimmdock mit Kränen

  • Coastlines CL D08 - Dock Cranes (4 per pack) in dark grey

  • Coastlines CL EX01 - Burning Oil Slick - 2 pieces

  • Coastlines CL EX02 - Torpedo Strike - 2 pieces

  • Coastlines CL F01b - Southsea - Sealink IOW ferry with extended upper deck

  • Coastlines CL FT01 - Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Georgia USA - using Brigade Models brick fortress, 1869

  • Coastlines CL FT01A - Fort Pulaski, National Monument, C21st with mature trees and preserved guns

  • Coastlines CL FT02(a+b) - Fort Hoo + Fort Darnet - Medway estuary sandbank forts using Brigade Models forts

  • Coastlines CL HE01 - Trinity House Helicopter, Bolkow 105, G-BATC - for helipad lighthouses

  • Coastlines CL HM-A04 - Grossfriedrichsburg - Ghana, West Africa, with landscape & trees (1682 on) (kurbrandenb. Fort im heutigen Ghana)

  • Coastlines CL HM-A16 - Fink II, Hamburg - now located at the end of the airport runway

  • Coastlines CL L01 - Needles - manned lighthouse, including 2 chalk stacks (bemannter Leuchtturm mit zwei Klippen)

  • Coastlines CL L01b - Needles diorama - from outer edge of Needles Old Battery to lighthouse (inc. 3 stacks) (Diorama, von Needles Old Battery bis Leuchtt. mit 3 Klippen)

  • Coastlines CL L04 - Hartland Point Lighthouse (1930-1980) - Len Jordan kit, painted
  • Coastlines CL L04a - Hartland Point Diorama (1930-1980) - CL-L04 + cliffs (Leuchtturm auf großer Klippe mit Ufer)

  • Coastlines CL L05 - Perch Rock Lighthouse, New Brighton (1830 on)

  • Coastlines CL L06 - Bishop Rock, Scilly Isles (1887-1992) (manned)
  • Coastlines CL L06a - Bishop Rock, Scilly Isles (1992 on) - with helipad

  • Coastlines CL L11a - Inchcape Reef with Bell Rock Lighthouse before de-manning (noch als bem. Leuchtt.)

  • Coastlines CL L14 - Rockall - the most isolated lighthouse in the world

  • Coastlines CL L14a - Rockall - the rock in the North Atlantic before the lighthouse was added in 1972

  • Coastlines CL L20 - Skerryvore - manned lighthouse and reef

  • Coastlines CL L20a - Skerryvore - lighthouse and reef with helipad & boiling seas (1970s onwards)

  • Coastlines CL L21 - Roker Lighthouse - lighthouse at the end of the northern breakwater, Sunderland

  • Coastlines CL L22 - Wolf Rock Lighthouse - between west Cornwall & the Scilly Islands (10km from Lands End)

  • Coastlines CL L22a - Wolf Rock Lighthouse with helipad, painted as in 2015

  • Coastlines CL L24 - Harbour Breakwater & light

  • Coastlines CL L25 - Gribben Head & Day Mark, Cornwall - using Brigade Models day mark

  • Coastlines CL LA01 - Old Harry Rocks & Holdfast Point - Dorset

  • Coastlines CL LA02 - Sandy Shores - unpainted beach modules kit (25cm x 2)

  • Coastlines CL LB01 - Solent/Oakley-Klasse - 36ft self-righting lifeboat

  • Coastlines CL LB04 - Watson 47ft-Klasse (1955-70s) - many were later re-fitted to self-righting

  • Coastlines CL LB05 - E-Klasse Tiger fast boats (Public Servant + Legacy) - Thames based pair

  • Coastlines CL MS01 - Ton-Klasse Minesweeper, 1952 onwards, overall grey

  • Coastlines CL RS01 - Rocky Shores - low relief cliffs and cliff tops (unpainted)

  • Coastlines CL RS02 - Rocky Shores - low relief cliffs and cliff tops with quarry depression

  • Coastlines CL RS03 - Rocky Shores - low relief cliffs (unpainted)

  • Coastlines CL SA01 - Derfflinger, 1939-46 - moored in Scapa Flow after re-floating (1/1200) (nach Bergung, Zustand 1939-1946) (kieloben liegender Schiffsrumpf mit Luftkanälen und Pumpenhäuschen)

  • Coastlines CL SA06 - Szent Istvan, 1918 - capsized and sinking (kieloben und sinkend, grünl.-schmutziger Schiffsrumpf mit "schäumendem Wasser" an den Flanken)

  • Coastlines CL SA09 - USS Oklahoma, 1942 - capsized after Pearl Harbor attack (bei Pearl Harbor gekentertes Schlachtschiff, "Zustand" 1942)

  • Coastlines CL SA17 - Kaiserin, 1936 - shortened airlocks, being readied for towing away for scrap

  • Coastlines CL SA17a - Kaiserin, 1936 - tall airlocks & rigged

  • Coastlines CL SS03 - Alexander Nevsky - Russian SSBN (Borei-Klasse, 2014)

  • Coastlines CL SS03a - Alexander Nevsky surfacing

  • Coastlines CL SS04 - Yuri Dolgorukiy - Russian SSBN (Borei-Klasse, 2011)

  • Coastlines CL SS04a - Yuri Dolgorukiy diving

  • Coastlines CL SS07 - Kilo-Klasse Russian diesel electric coastal submarine

  • Coastlines CL SS08 - Artful (Astute-Klasse SSN) as in 2015

  • Coastlines CL TA01 - LNG large tanks set of 3 in grey

  • Coastlines CL TA02 - LNG large tanks set of 3 in white & blue (Canvey Island)

  • Coastlines CL Triang1 - Statue of Liberty - resin replica by kind permission of Triang Ltd

  • Coastlines CL UWH01 - Underwater Hull for Derfflinger-Klasse battlecruisers (1/1250)

  • Coastlines CL UWH05 - Underwater Hull for König-Klasse battleships

  • Coastlines CL UWH06 - Underwater Hull for Tegetthoff-Klasse battleships

  • Coastlines CL UWH08 - Underwater Hull for King George V-Klasse battleships