Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
September 21st 2024 - 16th swap meet in Halstenbek-Krupunder
Photo Manufacturer No. Name Type Nation Era Year rep. Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CBT Bayou Teche 1862: ( J A Cotton, Ab Seagar, Hart, + Cane Barge) CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CHF Com Hollins Flotilla Island #10: ( Mcrae, Livingston, Pontchartrain, Maurepas, Polk, Jackson, IVy, floating battery New Orleans) CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CHP Confederate Fleet Head of Passes: ( Calhoun, John L Day, Tuscarora, 3 Firerafts + lighthouse) CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CHR Confederate Hampton Roads: ( Virginia/Merrimack, Patrick Henry, Jamestown, Raleigh, Teaser, Beaufort) Coast Defence Ship CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CLP Set "Lake Pontchartrain Naval Flotilla": Bienville; Carondelet; Oregon; Pamlico; Grey Cloud; Grey Cloud; Swain River-Gunboat CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CN1 Set "Louisiana Ironclads And Fire Raft Tugs": Louisiana, Manassas; 2 Tugboats; 2 Fire Barges Coast Defence Ship CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM CSVR Com Tatnalls Savannah: ( Savannah, Huntress, Resolute, Firefly, Lady Davis, Samson) CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM NCMF North Carolina Mosquito Fleet: ( Winslow, Seabird, Curlew, Fanny, Beaufort, Forrest, Junaluska, Raleigh, Appomatox, Black Warrior, Ft Bartow.) CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM RDF Set "Memphis River Defence Fleet": Colonel Lovell; General Sterling Price; General Jeff Thompson; General Earl van Dorn; General Sumter; General Bragg; General Beauregard; Little Rebel River-Gunboat CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen10 Fort Morgan Water Battery: (Earthwork containing Morgans heavy English rifled guns plus 2 lighthouses) Diorama CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen11 Fort Butte a la Rose: (Fort + barrack buildings and troop transport Anna) Diorama CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen12 Island No. 10 Fortifications: (8 gun batteries, a citadal, 4 sunken steamers, 2 farms and a tented encampment.) Diorama CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen14 Fort Darling Drewrys Bluff: (Earthwork fort, single gun water battery, engineers house, barracks, tin church and sunken barriers and blockships) Diorama CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen4 Star Fort (Fort in 6 sections, can be used for Fort Jackson or Fort Morgan) CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen5 Fort St. Philip (Fort in one piece with a shot heating oven) CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen6 Fort Pike: (Fort and barracks, can be used for fort Pike or Fort Macomb) CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen7 St. Philip Flank Earthwork: (Earthwork with 16 guns. Two of these earthworks flanked fort St Philip.) Diorama CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM Scen8 Fort Jacksons Water Battery: (Earthwork containing fort Jacksons largest guns) Diorama CON before 1900 1862 Details
Spithead Naval Miniatures SNM TEXCC Texas Cottonclads: ( Bayou City, Neptune, Joshua Bell, Uncle Ben, Florida, Roebuck, Sunflower, Jf Carr, Lucy Gwinn + Ft Griffin) CON before 1900 1862 Details

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