Kontakt: oliver@sammelhafen.de
September 21st 2024 - 16th swap meet in Halstenbek-Krupunder

  • Wirral Miniature Ships K 4 - Empire Allenby
  • Len Jordan LJ-K 4 - Empire Allenby

  • Wirral Miniature Ships M 5a - Stancourt

  • Wirral Miniature Ships K 9 - City of Durham

  • Len Jordan LJ-K 9 - City of Durham

  • Len Jordan LJ-M 9 - Rhexenor

  • Wirral Miniature Ships M 9 - Rhexenor

  • Wirral Miniature Ships M 11a/3 - Egidia

  • Wirral Miniature Ships K 14 - Empire Grace
  • Len Jordan LJ-K 14 - Empire Grace

  • Wirral Miniature Ships M 14g - Levenpool

  • Len Jordan LJ-K 24 - Empire Paragon (bewaffnet)
  • Wirral Miniature Ships M 56 - Meadowbank

  • Berolina B 100e - Empire Wye

  • Hein Mück HM-W 155a - Empire Forth